
Kenapa Harus Telepon Sih?

Sejak ng-update Yahoo! Profile saya, saya sering terima chat request dari orang-orang yang ngga saya kenal. Saya sih ngga masalah ya, cuma saya kurang suka klo orang itu mulai nanyain nomer telp. Plis deh, baru aja kenal gitu lho. Sapa yang bisa jamin klo dia (atau saya) bukanlah psikopat yang suka neror orang atau nyebarin nomer telpon lawan bicaranya ke milis umum dan memberi label "mau happy? just call me" :p

Ini contoh dialog saya tadi pagi sama orang yang menurut saya kayaknya baik. Tapi semuanya langsung bubrah begitu dia mulai nyinggung-nyinggung soal telepon.


dia  : started a nice day already?
saya: yup
dia  : great me too
dia  : so u r an engineer?
dia  : what field???
saya: electrical
saya: how about u?
dia  : i am in education....manager
dia  : r u at office now?
dia  : i am
saya: yeah
dia  : u seem busy??
saya: it's 7AM in jakarta
dia  : i know i am in jakarta too
dia  : my office in xxx what about urs?
saya: owh, so sorry
saya: i thought you were somewhere in europe or something
saya: i'm in kuningan
dia  : not far from here
dia  : so u come to office earlyy?
saya: the office hour is flexible
saya: 7 to 3.30
saya: or 8 to 4.30
dia  : nice indeed
dia  : so u have freedom of time
dia  : u like the earlier then leave early too
saya: yeah
saya: so i can break my fasting at home
dia  : that is nice of course...do u live far from office?
saya: about 1 - 1.5 hour journey
dia  : busy???
saya: not yet
saya: you work in a college?
dia  : have u made many friends online?
dia  : no, xxx job
saya: oic
saya: ummm, several
dia  : r u free for phone talk maybe?
saya: i'm really really sorry, but i don't feel comfortable talking to strangers
dia  : sorry u feel so.......of course u may call every one as a stranger.....
dia  : thanx for the short chat and have a nice day....assalamualykum
saya: wa alaykum salam

gambar diambil dari hxxp://quantumfuture.net/pl/images/psychopath.jpg

4 komentar:

abu s said...

he...he...he.... kalo ngga ketahuan bentuk manusianya memang main tinggi risiko ke psikopatannya... Ngga kebanyakan nonton film dan baca novel psikopat kan...

Adinda Erisyanita said...

hahaha, ngga mas. wong sukanya baca chicklit :D

Mawon Atmo said...

iyo ih..sama aku aja ngga mau ngasih no telpon..:D .apalagi ma stranger

Adinda Erisyanita said...

takut disemprot karo bojomu Mo *pengalaman pribadi* :p


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